Over the past one hundred years different mechanisms have been invented, mostly of the ROTARY type, without commercial success. All these inventions had the rotor perform the compression duty as well as the motor duty and follow the Otto or Diesel cycles. This was done by mounting the rotor and its shaft eccentrically to the housing cavity so that a variable volume would be created in the space there between by the movement of the rotor.
Our engine is completely different from all these because the rotor and housing are concentric and it separates the compression and motor mechanisms. Following is a simplified explanation of the engine, its basic operating principle and a discussion of its advantages.
The LUCAS engine – Figure I

The figure above depicts a one Compressor and one Rotor half-chamber in a schematic view of the engine used to show the basic functions within, through a complete power cycle.
The Compressor consists of a hollow piston contained within a cylinder which is divided into two parts, the Compression Chamber near the blind end and a Pressure Reservoir close to the Housing. There are a series of orifices on the outside of the Cylinder near the divisor that permit fresh air to get behind the Piston. The blue arrows show the flow of air.
The small end of the hollow piston is positioned against the Combustion Chamber within the Housing and its face is one of the movable walls. orifices situated close to the end of the small piston allow compressed air to flow into the combustion chamber when the Piston Assembly is at the nearest position relative to the Rotor. Other orifices situated behind the Small Piston permit the passage of air from the Compression Chamber into the Pressure Reservoir through the hollow shaft.
Fig a) Shows the moment in which the Rotor half-chamber coincides with the Housing half- chamber. Immediately prior to this the fuel is injected into the Combustion chamber by an Injector (not shown) situated perpendicularly to the plan of the picture. At this moment, the Spark Plug ignites the air-fuel mixture.
Fig b) The piston within the Compressor module is driven towards the end of the Cylinder by the force of the expanding combustion gases, compressing air within the distal chamber. Simultaneously, the rotor is driven in the opposite direction by reaction to the force developed on the piston, much as the recoil of a firearm.
Fig c) The Vane located within a groove in the Rotor follows the cavity in the Housing, creating an expanding volume where the energy of the gases from the Rotor half-chamber is converted into rotational torque. Meanwhile, the pressure at the far end of the cylinder reaches a value larger than that of the Reservoir, and a spring loaded check valve allows compressed air to flow into the Reservoir, completing the charge for the next cycle.
Fig d) The two half-chambers now communicate via a peripheral recess and the semi- spent gases used to compress air in the Compressor are allowed to fully expand behind the vane, producing more usable work. As the pressure drops in the combustion chamber, the spring-loaded valve closes and the piston rebounds towards the combustion chamber. An outer sleeve of the piston acts as an admission valve, allowing fresh air to enter the compression chamber.
The principal characteristic of this engine is that it mechanically separates the compression phase of the cycle from the power phase, by splitting the combustion chamber. As result, the same explosion simultaneously powers the Compressor and the Rotor.
By eliminating the mechanical linkage between Compressor and Rotor, all of the inherent problems of the piston engine* and most of those from the Rotary engines are eliminated.
Note that Figure I above depicts the simplest configuration for easier understanding of the basic principle. Other configurations are shown in Figure II below. Pay particular attention to the 2x3 configuration (two Compressors, three Rotor cavities) for this is the ideal engine for automobiles..
Another very important characteristic of the multiple compressor engines is that any number of compressors can be mechanically disabled and will not interfere nor absorb any power from the rotor. The air charge from the reservoir is not delivered to the respective combustion chamber, saving compressed air for when it is needed. Conversely, the corresponding spark plug would be disabled as well. This allows the engine to be operated at the optimum fuel to air ratio to match power demands without wasted energy; P.E: the 2x3 configuration shown in Figure II below will operate with one, two, three and six explosions per revolution according to the power demand which is sensed and controlled automatically by the engine control system. This power and torque variation closely approaches that of a standard automobile automatic transmission and in fact, eliminates the need for one. Eliminating the transmission does away with friction losses in the gear-train, reduces weight and consequently improves efficiency and mileage while reducing emissions. Lastly, it significantly reduces the cost of production. This is attractive to manufacturers and customers alike.
Yet another feature of this engine is that it has inherent variable compression ratio (VCR), a much desired and only recently implemented design into the most expensive piston engines. The VCR capability will greatly reduce emissions of pollutants, in particular those of Nitrous Oxide, while improving fuel economy.
The Compressor consists of a hollow piston contained within a cylinder which is divided into two parts, the Compression Chamber near the blind end and a Pressure Reservoir close to the Housing. There are a series of orifices on the outside of the Cylinder near the divisor that permit fresh air to get behind the Piston. The blue arrows show the flow of air.
The small end of the hollow piston is positioned against the Combustion Chamber within the Housing and its face is one of the movable walls. orifices situated close to the end of the small piston allow compressed air to flow into the combustion chamber when the Piston Assembly is at the nearest position relative to the Rotor. Other orifices situated behind the Small Piston permit the passage of air from the Compression Chamber into the Pressure Reservoir through the hollow shaft.
Fig a) Shows the moment in which the Rotor half-chamber coincides with the Housing half- chamber. Immediately prior to this the fuel is injected into the Combustion chamber by an Injector (not shown) situated perpendicularly to the plan of the picture. At this moment, the Spark Plug ignites the air-fuel mixture.
Fig b) The piston within the Compressor module is driven towards the end of the Cylinder by the force of the expanding combustion gases, compressing air within the distal chamber. Simultaneously, the rotor is driven in the opposite direction by reaction to the force developed on the piston, much as the recoil of a firearm.
Fig c) The Vane located within a groove in the Rotor follows the cavity in the Housing, creating an expanding volume where the energy of the gases from the Rotor half-chamber is converted into rotational torque. Meanwhile, the pressure at the far end of the cylinder reaches a value larger than that of the Reservoir, and a spring loaded check valve allows compressed air to flow into the Reservoir, completing the charge for the next cycle.
Fig d) The two half-chambers now communicate via a peripheral recess and the semi- spent gases used to compress air in the Compressor are allowed to fully expand behind the vane, producing more usable work. As the pressure drops in the combustion chamber, the spring-loaded valve closes and the piston rebounds towards the combustion chamber. An outer sleeve of the piston acts as an admission valve, allowing fresh air to enter the compression chamber.
The principal characteristic of this engine is that it mechanically separates the compression phase of the cycle from the power phase, by splitting the combustion chamber. As result, the same explosion simultaneously powers the Compressor and the Rotor.
By eliminating the mechanical linkage between Compressor and Rotor, all of the inherent problems of the piston engine* and most of those from the Rotary engines are eliminated.
Note that Figure I above depicts the simplest configuration for easier understanding of the basic principle. Other configurations are shown in Figure II below. Pay particular attention to the 2x3 configuration (two Compressors, three Rotor cavities) for this is the ideal engine for automobiles..
Another very important characteristic of the multiple compressor engines is that any number of compressors can be mechanically disabled and will not interfere nor absorb any power from the rotor. The air charge from the reservoir is not delivered to the respective combustion chamber, saving compressed air for when it is needed. Conversely, the corresponding spark plug would be disabled as well. This allows the engine to be operated at the optimum fuel to air ratio to match power demands without wasted energy; P.E: the 2x3 configuration shown in Figure II below will operate with one, two, three and six explosions per revolution according to the power demand which is sensed and controlled automatically by the engine control system. This power and torque variation closely approaches that of a standard automobile automatic transmission and in fact, eliminates the need for one. Eliminating the transmission does away with friction losses in the gear-train, reduces weight and consequently improves efficiency and mileage while reducing emissions. Lastly, it significantly reduces the cost of production. This is attractive to manufacturers and customers alike.
Yet another feature of this engine is that it has inherent variable compression ratio (VCR), a much desired and only recently implemented design into the most expensive piston engines. The VCR capability will greatly reduce emissions of pollutants, in particular those of Nitrous Oxide, while improving fuel economy.
The Figure above depicts various combinations of Compressors and Rotor chambers.
Single Compressors are obviously cheaper to produce and should cover applications in light portable equipment such as hand-held blowers, trimmers (1x2), chain saws, push mowers, etc.(1x3).
Multiple Compressor engines are required for higher power demands, like motorcycles, outboard motors, automobiles (2x3), light and heavy duty buses and trucks, helicopters and small airplanes (3x4).
Other configurations are possible, using a larger number of compressors and rotor cavities, P.E. 4x5 and 4x7 for applications requiring very large power at relatively low RPM, such as tractors and earth moving machinery, military vehicles, maritime propulsion and large electric power generators.
Besides economical construction, the optimal design shall take into consideration available space, torque requirements, control-ability and weight limitations.
Notice that the light weight of this engine and the large torque produced by the multiple compressor configurations makes it ideal for aircraft applications – high power-to-weight ratio.
Free-wheeling capability is ideal for auto-gyro type aircraft.
* See Attachment A
© 2011 Lucas Engines
Single Compressors are obviously cheaper to produce and should cover applications in light portable equipment such as hand-held blowers, trimmers (1x2), chain saws, push mowers, etc.(1x3).
Multiple Compressor engines are required for higher power demands, like motorcycles, outboard motors, automobiles (2x3), light and heavy duty buses and trucks, helicopters and small airplanes (3x4).
Other configurations are possible, using a larger number of compressors and rotor cavities, P.E. 4x5 and 4x7 for applications requiring very large power at relatively low RPM, such as tractors and earth moving machinery, military vehicles, maritime propulsion and large electric power generators.
Besides economical construction, the optimal design shall take into consideration available space, torque requirements, control-ability and weight limitations.
Notice that the light weight of this engine and the large torque produced by the multiple compressor configurations makes it ideal for aircraft applications – high power-to-weight ratio.
Free-wheeling capability is ideal for auto-gyro type aircraft.
* See Attachment A
© 2011 Lucas Engines